How to judge whether a number is a divisor?
Dividers are also called factors. Integer A can be divisible by integer B, where A is called a multiple of B, and B is called the divisor of A (within the range of natural numbers). The divisor of 6 is: 1, 2,3,6 1 0,1,2,510,1. The quotient (b≠0) obtained by dividing the integer A by the integer B is exactly an integer with no remainder, so we say that A can be divisible by B or B can be divisible by A. A is a multiple of B, and B is a divisor or factor of A. Dividers and multiples are interdependent, so we cannot say that a number is a divisor or multiple alone. Factor: If an integer is divisible by two integers, then these two numbers are the divisors of this number. The divisor is limited, and the nearest number is generally used. To put it bluntly, a divisor is a divisible divisor. For example, the divisor of 24 is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, then the divisor of 24 is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.