Then, an urgent question is: why do people who live in a world with a high degree of civilization still need religion? In the last half century in China, simple "fantasy theory", "opium theory" and "backwardness theory" have been popular for a long time. This situation was broken from the religious view that "religion is culture". [3] Starting from this theoretical blank, China academic circles gradually enriched their understanding of religion. For example, Professor Fang of Renmin University of China once thought in an article "On China's Marxist View of Religion" in recent years that the existence value of religion can be investigated from different angles, such as focusing on the social angle and having political, economic, educational, moral and cultural functions and functions; If we focus on personal perspective, it has the functions of belief, understanding, adjustment and comfort. [④]
Based on the various evaluations of the existence value of religion in academic circles in recent years, we can summarize the existence value of religion as three major functions of religion: cultural bearing, social integration and ultimate care.
On the contribution of Christianity to contemporary China from the perspective of the value of religion in modern society
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