As long as you fill in your student information, college students can do it. Even if you are not a full-time college student, as long as your student ID card is still valid, you can go to Haidilao for a discount and the amusement park can also get a 50% discount. The discount of Haidilao may be known to college students, and coupons have some requirements for time and certification.
You must pass the authentication of college students in Alipay to get coupons. You can get four coupons every month, and you can see 69% discount on Haidilao on the home page, or you can search Haidilao directly or get it directly on the home page. After receiving the coupon, it will be used from 2:00-5:00 pm and 22: 00 pm, with discounts in the early morning of weekends. Some products don't support discounts, so you need to eat and pay within the specified time.
First, Haidilao is most popular with consumers for its brand service. The service of Haidilao is really super good. When queuing for meals, various snacks and fruits are also provided. As for the price, the per capita consumption is about 100 yuan, which is really a bit expensive for students. However, Haidilao has also introduced a student ID card discount time.
You can enjoy a 6.9% discount from 22: 00 to 7: 00 from Monday to Friday; Weekend 22:00-00:00 8.8 discount, 00:00-7:00 6.9 discount. Haidilao can't be discounted if it only depends on the student ID card. Haidilao is a discount for college students, and you don't need to show your student ID card. You only need to certify college students and get coupons at Alipay, so you can enjoy the discount.
Second, a student ID card is not necessary. You can also enjoy the discount if you forget to bring your student ID card. You only need to authenticate on Alipay. The authentication process is also very simple: open Alipay APP, search for "campus life" on the search page, click campus authentication, and then register students. Student registration needs to fill in the school name, name and year of admission, and then complete the student registration.
As for how to enjoy 69% discount and 88% discount after registration, you need to look at the following steps. Similarly, open Alipay, search for "word of mouth" and search for "Haidilao" on the "word of mouth" page, and you can see that Haidilao college students have a 69% discount or an 88% discount. Click receive.
And after collection, the page will remind you to make an appointment. Making an appointment in advance can save you a lot of waiting time. Now the nail art in Haidilao can also be reserved in advance, and can be reserved reasonably according to your actual needs.