How many PhDs does tianjin polytechnic university enroll in a year?
Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities. Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities. Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities. Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities. Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities. Tianjin polytechnic university admits 0/38 doctors a year, including 2 people in the key planning of ethnic minorities.