Clinical medicine mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills of basic medicine, clinical medicine and surgery, and carries out the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases. For example: diagnosis of fracture, heart disease and other diseases, implementation of heart bypass, organ transplantation and other operations, radiotherapy of tumors, etc.
Curriculum system:
Pathological anatomy, physiology, psychiatry, medical imaging, surgery, clinical pharmacology, biochemistry and molecular biology, otorhinolaryngology, respiratory therapy, and ultrasonic diagnosis are trained in the following professional directions: pediatrics, stomatology, geriatrics, general medicine, and reproductive medicine.
Postgraduate entrance examination direction:
Internal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, clinical medicine, oncology, ophthalmology, geriatrics, neurology, neurology and mental hygiene, anesthesiology.
Refer to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Clinical Medicine