How to find these outdoor activities, generally speaking, it is not recommended to find foreign activities because it is not safe. If you want to find extracurricular activities, you'd better find some like-minded partners, such as skating or sports, then go to foreign exchange groups and make an appointment to meet. If you go alone, you must pay attention to your personal safety.
Of course, there are, uh, people who are interested, but not. You can learn the basics first through your interest in school club activities, then chat with your friends to learn something, and your friends will go. Well, interest in organizing activities, groups and the like, or going to, well, post to the interest group of QQ WeChat through the post bar on campus, and then get to know the same city and have basic exchanges with people with the same interests.
You can also go to Baidu and sogou, search for these, for example, enter keywords, and then you can see relevant interest pages. After making the page, it will be more interesting. Chat, talk to more people, then know that there are these professional circles, and then enjoy the exchange.
Of course, joining the student union, the club is also the best, you can exercise your communication skills, leadership skills, organizational skills. And you can get first-hand information in this student union, and you can also have some benefits in the student union.
Whether in the student union or in the competition, these will add a touch of bright color to your life resume after graduation. Moreover, in school, our activities are safer and more formal.
So you don't have to join a student union or a club in a university, but if you do, there will be many benefits. So if you want to join, you don't have to join too many clubs, because if you join many interest projects, you may be busy and have more things to deal with. Then you can go to some off-campus interest organizations when you are busy and have a certain foundation. Be sure to pay attention to life safety! There will also be many, many activities in contact with social organizations outside the school.