This school belongs to the public Ivy League. The whole city is based on one hundred thousand small houses in Qian Qian. Among the trees, rows of courtyard-style buildings with elegant colors, exquisite shapes and different styles are all over the flat hills. There are dozens of high-rise buildings in the city center, and highways and city streets crisscross like cobwebs, extending in all directions.
With its proud academic achievements and beautiful campus environment, ucsb attracts countless world-class researchers to further their studies and conduct academic research here every year. Now, ucsb has become one of the important academic development places in the United States and even the world.
Ucsb, like UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz, is a top institution of higher learning in the world.
The school here is also known as one of the public Ivy League schools, and it is also one of the 6 1 famous universities and a member of the university association.