The study contents of this institute include enterprise and business research, financial accounting, business computer, organization, business economics, management accounting, market strategy, business choice economics, human resource management, business principles, business law, business microeconomics, financial management and financial analysis. The scope of study is quite extensive, and at the same time, courses combining French, German and other language subjects are offered.
At present, Nottingham Business School offers undergraduate courses in management, MBA courses (including general courses, finance and EMBA), master's courses and doctoral courses in insurance, risk management, finance and investment, and marketing. In the near future, Nottingham Business School will relocate and continue to expand, and plans to offer a degree course in data business in cooperation with the School of Computer Information Technology.
RAE index of this major: Grade 5.
(1) Course Examination Paper of School of Network and Continuing Education of Southwest University (Western Economics) Answer 20 1 1 year.
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