In college, many people will emphasize that you must accumulate more contacts, so that out of society, you will have more contacts and more ways out. Therefore, many college students will actively join various clubs when they are in college, and then get to know all kinds of contacts.
It is no exaggeration to say that when I was in college, I also joined the so-called club. During this period, many parties were organized. But in fact, looking back, when you really get out of college and society, you will find that some people you met at the so-called party in college were all nonsense. Now I can't even remember who went to the party.
After graduating from college, everyone is engaged in different jobs. Because everyone's similarities are getting less and less, and differences are getting bigger and bigger, it is normal and even more impossible for students from all over the world to gather in the same place at the same time. Therefore, less and less class reunion is a normal development, which conforms to the normal development law of things. Anyway, more and more class reunions actually violate the original law of development, which is originally a class reunion.
Look, there are more and more class reunions now. Everyone brought their children to the class reunion since they got married. On the surface, it was to contact the feelings of former classmates. In fact, when they arrived at the scene, they became all kinds of fancy ways to show off their wealth. If students don't behave well, they will even play jokes on others in different ways.
I don't know if you have heard of the bystander effect, which probably means that when there are many people, the original responsibility will be shared with everyone, so when the original big responsibility 10 is shared equally with everyone, there may be only a small part of the responsibility, or even no responsibility for everyone.