Computer second-level truancy will be regarded as automatic abandonment of the exam, and the score will be judged unqualified according to the 0-point record system. However, the second-level computer truancy will not be recorded in the integrity file, which will have a bad influence on future exams, interviews and employment. Candidates can still wait for the next exam opportunity to register for the exam normally, but there is no make-up exam for the computer level 2 exam. Once you miss the exam, the fee will not be refunded, and you can't make up the exam. You can only re-register for the exam.
The examination fee is not cheap. Since everyone wants to take the exam, it is necessary to prepare well, brush real questions, watch online classes, strive for a one-time pass, and get a second-class computer certificate. Even if you can't pass the exam because of lack of ability, you must not miss the exam. Missing the exam means that even if you don't pass the verification, you have failed. This situation will not only make people feel lazy, but also make excuses for themselves, which is also a very bad subjective attitude towards future exams.
In addition, you must pay attention to bring all the certificates when you take the exam. Candidates must bring their ID cards, admission tickets and health instructions. Don't fail to enter the examination room because of irregular documents. If you successfully register for the exam, you must pay attention to the time and don't miss the exam.