Finance ",referred to as MF for short, the Master of Finance program mainly trains professionals with a solid theoretical foundation of finance and high application skills, and cultivates students' ability to solve theoretical and practical problems by comprehensively applying financial, economics, management and modern econometric analysis methods, so that students can not only understand the frontier development of the international financial industry, but also closely connect with the practice of China, and have strong research ability and innovation potential, and can adapt to the work of financial management departments, various financial institutions and research institutions.
The enrollment of Master of Finance in Xiamen University is 20 17.
Trend chart of admission scores of Xiamen University Master of Finance students over the years
Note: The red line is the trend chart of admission scores of Xiamen University Master of Finance over the years; The yellow line is a national line chart; As shown in the above data, from the data of the past five years, the scores of Xiamen University are basically 25~30 points higher than the national line. Although the score of Xiamen University 15 decreased slightly more than the national line, the score of 16 was 44 points higher than the national line. It is estimated that the score requirement of 17 has little fluctuation compared with 16. Among them, the total score should still be about 30-40 points higher than the national line, and the political and foreign languages should be above 55 points, which is required for professional courses.