At the beginning of 20 19, Cao Yiting was diagnosed with liposarcoma. In the past two years, repeated surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have failed to stop the crazy expansion of cancer cells. On her deathbed, she chose great love and left her hope on earth.
It is admirable that a little girl of 18 years old can make such a choice. The death of a flower is undoubtedly a pity, and the progress of medicine is based on this helplessness and impossibility, and it is also a long process. So, what is liposarcoma?
Liposarcoma is a kind of tumor with high malignant degree, which is large, painless and hard in texture. Usually, it only grows one. Unlike the lipoma mentioned above, sarcoma will be deep, which can't be touched at first, but it will soon become bigger. Because liposarcoma has no characteristic clinical manifestations, patients often see a doctor because the tumor is obviously enlarged or there are compression symptoms such as pain, so the preoperative course of disease can often last for several years.
Because adipose tissue accounts for about 10% 20% of adult body weight, liposarcoma is a common type of soft tissue sarcoma. Liposarcoma is common in adults aged 40 to 60, but also in adolescents and children. The incidence of male and female is close. It can occur all over the body, especially in deep soft tissues, rarely under the skin, most commonly in lower limbs, followed by retroperitoneum, and rarely in distal limbs and feet.
The treatment of liposarcoma is mainly surgical treatment, but it is easy to recur locally. For recurrent tumors, if circumstances permit, local lesions can be resected again to improve the quality of life and prolong the survival time of patients.
The prognosis of each type of liposarcoma varies greatly, and pathological classification and tumor stage are the most important prognostic indicators. The prognosis of well-differentiated liposarcoma and mucinous liposarcoma is better than other types of liposarcoma. When the surgical resection is incomplete, it can recur locally, but rarely metastasize, and its clinical cure rate can reach 25%. Round cell type and pleomorphic liposarcoma are more aggressive, prone to blood metastasis, often to lung, liver and bone, with poor prognosis, and the 5-year survival rate is usually less than 50%.
In this way, we can understand why Cao Yiting did a lot of surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but she still didn't save her life.
Unlike common cancers such as lung cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer, liposarcoma has not been widely spread and deeply understood, and most patients have not paid enough attention to it, delaying the best treatment opportunity. If we can take the right treatment in time, we can control the disease and even live with the tumor. Therefore, to improve the clinical cure rate of liposarcoma, we should first pay attention to it in concept.
Confused with liposarcoma is lipoma, although there is only one word difference, but its benign and malignant is a heaven and an underground. Lipoma is a benign tumor, which grows slowly, does not metastasize more or less, has soft texture and clear boundaries, and hardly causes other symptoms except local masses. It can occur in any fat part of the body, mainly under the skin, followed by limbs. Generally, there is no discomfort or need to be treated, but if it is large, it will oppress other tissues or organs and cause pain, or affect daily life in joints and other places, requiring surgical resection.
Why does sarcoma recur locally after resection? The apparent reason is that the operation is not completely removed, but in fact, it only focuses on killing cancer cells and ignores the protection of our internal environment. Although these treatments temporarily controlled the growth of cancer cells, they led to further destruction of the internal environment and created better soil conditions for the resurgence of cancer cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as a harmful treatment, will kill normal cells as well as cancer cells, and human immunity will be damaged to some extent.
At this time, it can assist Chinese medicine treatment. On the one hand, it can reduce or alleviate the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting, bone marrow suppression, radiation inflammation, etc., on the other hand, it can enhance the immune ability of the body, improve the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and increase the clinical efficacy.
After that, Cao Yiting's body will become an important sample of medical research, and her cornea will also bring new life to others ... "I hope to develop drugs for liposarcoma in the future and bring hope to more people," Cao Yiting said. I also believe that with the development of medical technology, there will be a way to completely conquer cancer in the future.
# liposarcoma # health # cancer # 18-year-old girl died of cancer.