Pediatric surgery (322), surgery (343), occupational health and environmental hygiene (3 19), surgery (309), radiation oncology (3 14), biology and medicine (274), immunology (322) and dermatology (322) Medicinal Chemistry (3 19), Radioimaging (335), Internal Medicine (3 1 1), Neurology (3 12), Sports Medicine (325), Clinical Pathology (322), Sports Medicine (322)
Epidemiology and health statistics (309), clinical laboratory diagnostics (3 1 1), ophthalmology (343), obstetrics and gynecology (327), nuclear medicine (322), health management (359), pharmacology (31/kloc-0.
Ultrasound medicine (322), orthopedics (309), pathology and pathophysiology (362), emergency medicine (3 14), drug analysis (309), otolaryngology (3 17), anesthesiology (342).