There will be many learning resources in the university, so you need to make good use of these resources to lay a solid knowledge foundation for your future work. Universities should read more books and take part in more activities to broaden their horizons and improve their quality. The university has provided you with a better reading environment, so you should cherish it. Many students in the university will take all kinds of certificates, and you can also apply for more certificates. Although these certificates may have no effect on your future work, it is possible that having this certificate is the minimum admission standard for a certain work unit you want to go to in the future.
In college, you will meet many classmates. It is also good for you to communicate with them more and expand your contacts in the future. In college, people around you are not as simple as junior high school and senior high school, and there are not so many ideas in society. You can find bosom friends in college, and you may even meet your future girlfriend.
In college, there will be many club activities. Participating in one or two more club activities will bring you different experiences and feelings. If you have the opportunity to organize a club activity by yourself, it is best, which can greatly improve your ability to do things. You can also take part in more social practice activities. Generally speaking, social practice activities in universities are relatively safe. After all, they are in college and have a layer of protection.