Regarding this money, the school should think of some other ways, which can be obtained through the school's construction funds or borne by some related enterprises. At present, some schools are really short of funds. Installing air conditioning in every dormitory is a very big expense. At this time, some schools cooperate with some enterprises on innovative ways and means, and the money is borne by the enterprises. However, students must pay the rental fee for air conditioners and the electricity they use. I think this is reasonable. By doing this through a third-party company, it not only solves the needs of students to use air conditioners, but also avoids students paying for air conditioners themselves. However, schools should sign relevant contracts with third-party companies, restrain the behavior of third-party companies, and don't let them charge more, and charge air-conditioning rental fees to students reasonably and legally. Therefore, it is unreasonable for schools to ask students to pay for air conditioning, but it is quite reasonable to charge students a certain air conditioning rental fee, which tells some schools that they must innovate their working methods and strive to create better services for students.