What is the major of Wü rzburg University?
Christian sociology, moral theology, basic theology and comparative religion, international law and politics, public law, University of Wü rzburg and administrative law, criminology and criminal law, public law, civil law, pediatrics, psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, urology, physiology, pathology, physiological chemistry, pathological anatomy, pharmacology and toxicology, human genetics, medical history, medical radiology, surgery, internal medicine. Clinical virology and immunology, child psychiatry, dermatology, sexually transmitted diseases research, neurophysiology, hygiene, microbiology, experimental dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology, psychotherapy and medical psychology, music, classical literature, oriental literature, Egyptology, English language and literature teaching method, Roman literature, modern history, German literature and folklore, English literature, history, German linguistics. Psychology, physical education, special education, philosophy, medicinal biology, botany, microbiology, genetics, zoology and comparative physiology, biotechnology, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, geochemistry, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacy, food chemistry, geography, human geography, physical geography, cultural geography and economic geography, crystallography, mineralogy. /zd/lx