The university dormitory is a magical place where students from all over the world gather under one roof and will spend precious university time together. It is often said that a university without dormitories is incomplete. Of course, different university dormitories have different environmental conditions. This paper mainly introduces the dormitory situation of Wuhan Jiaotong University, the dormitory environment evaluation of Wuhan Jiaotong University, the articles related to Wuhan Jiaotong University dormitory and other related information.
First, Wuhan Communication College dormitory conditions Wuhan Communication College dormitory is good. Now it's basically a quadruple room, with a bed upstairs and a computer desk below. Every dormitory has a bathroom and shower. The balcony is closed, and there are security nets on the first and second floors (the security net on the first floor is outside and the security net on the second floor is inside), but not on the third floor. There are two rows of clotheslines outside the window and two rows of clotheslines inside. There is a drainage pool, two faucets on the balcony, a squat toilet and an old-fashioned toilet with shower head (no shower head). Press the button to flush the toilet automatically. The shower head comes out with cold water, which is generally not used.
Second, Wuhan Media College dormitory environment and pictures
The dormitory of the student dormitory consists of a bathroom, a small balcony and a room.
Dormitory structure: as soon as you open the door, you will see the room and balcony, and the bathroom is on the left or right of the balcony. The doors of the swimming pool and bathroom are opposite.