The surrounding environment of universities in Britain is similar, and the hardware of schools is similar.
You can refer to the following rankings. Times ranking is generally based on comprehensive environment, academic level, scientific research achievements, hardware conditions and other factors.
1 Oxford University
Cambridge Cambridge University
Imperial College of Imperial University of Technology
University of St Andrews.
5 University College London University College London
Warwick University
7 London School of Economics London University of Economics and Political Science
Durham Durham University
9 Exeter University of Exeter
10 Bristol University
1 1 York University
12 king's college London
13 University of Bath
14 University of Edinburgh
15 Leicester University
= 15 University of Southampton
17 Loughborough University
18 University of Sheffield
19 Glasgow University
Nottingham University
2 1 Newcastle Newcastle University
22 Birmingham University of Birmingham
23 Lancaster Lancaster University
University of Manchester
Aston Aston University
Cardiff Cardiff University
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
=28 University of East Anglia
Royal University of holloway
3 1 University of Reading Reading
queen's university belfast
University of Aberdeen
= 33 School of Asian and African Studies
University of Sussex
Queen Mary College
University of Surrey
=37 Strathclyde Strathclyde university of strathclyde
39 University of Kent
Hervath Hervath University
4 1 Dundee university of dundee
42 University of Kilkiel
Essex University of Essex
Hull University
45 Golden Smith College Golden Smith College
Aberystwyth University
Brunel University, brunell
48 Stirling university of stirling
49 City University
Swansea University
5 1 Robert Gordon University, Robert Gordon
52 Oxford Brookes oxford brookes university
53 Bradford university of bradford
Ulster University
55 Bango Bango University
56 Portsmouth University
nottingham trent university
Bournemouth University
59 University of Chester, chichester
60 Caledonian University of Glasgow
6 1 Queen Margaret College Edinburgh
University of the West of England
plymouth university
northumbria university
65 Napier Edinburgh Napier University
university of hertfordshire
=66 De Montfort de Montfort University
Grust University, Gloucestershire.
Sheffield Harlem University Sheffield Harlem
university of brighton
7 1 Coventry Coventry University
=7 1 Bedford university of bedfordshire
73 Winchester University of Winchester
74 Staffordshire University, Staffordshire
Bath Hot Springs Bath Hot Springs University
UWIC Cardiff College, University of Wales
77 Birmingham City University
University of central lancashire, Central Lancashire
Lampeter College, University of Wales
80 York St. John's University
8 1 University of Worcester
=8 1 University of Teesside
Columbia University, cambria
university of salford
=84 Sunderland University of Sunderland
Lincoln Lincoln University
university of huddersfield
88 Bianshan Bianshan University
Kingston University of Kingston
90 Manchester Metropolitan Manchester City University
9 1 University of Chester
Roehampton Lohampton University
=92 Northampton University
94 glamorgan University
95 Abertay university of abertay dundee
University of the arts london, university of the arts london
97 university of greendo
Canterbury Christian Church Canterbury Christian University
99 Liverpool John Murray Liverpool Johns Mures University
100 Westminster university of westminster
10 1 Leeds City University
102 University of Wolverhampton, wolverhampton wanderers
103 Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin University
104 Derby University
105 middlesex university
106 Greenwich university of greenwich
107 UCN Newport Welles Newport College
108 Bolton University
= 108 university of east london
1 10 Thames Valley University
1 1 1 Southampton Solent Strait Sollente University.
New Tharns University College, Buckinghamshire.
1 13 London South Bank University
1 14 University of Creative Arts