Distance between Lihu Campus of Shenzhen University and Yuehai Campus
The distance between Lihu Campus of Shenzhen University and Yuehai Campus is 16.4 km. According to Baidu map, starting from Lihu Campus of Shenzhen University, it passes Youlan Road, Lishui Road, No.9 Road, Long Yuan Overpass, Shahe West Road, Binhai Avenue, Nanhai Avenue and Shenda West Road, and the whole journey is about 16.4 km. Shenzhen University, referred to as Shenda for short, is located in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Guangdong Province, China. It is a comprehensive university approved by the Ministry of Education, in charge of Guangdong Province and sponsored by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. It has been selected as the key construction university of high-level universities in Guangdong Province, the national cultural quality education base for college students and the national international scientific and technological cooperation base.