_ College of Biology and Chemistry
_ College of Biology
_ School of Chemistry
_ School of Physics
_ School of Geology
_ School of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Transportation: Bus128/175/188/504/N32 passes through the campus, or you can choose tram1/7/9/14/15/25.
Gourmet: The surrounding restaurants are mainly western food, and the recommended restaurants are BabooshkaRestaurant, VidelecRestaurant, Jeff's, Shuk Mezze & etc. bar
Overview: Next to the campus is PoleMokotowskie Park, which is a good choice for jogging or barbecue in spring, summer and autumn. This campus is also the closest to the airport and railway station, and the traffic is very convenient. BlueCity Mall, 2.5 kilometers away, has many facilities, including food, cinemas, gyms, supermarkets and shopping centers. "/zd/lx "