Back to Africa: The ancient human genome reveals the widely distributed Eurasian people, and shows whether Guy Gugliotta, their same age, is a "Hobbit" in the great migration. The man picked up a reddish-brown stone, about three inches long, and no one knew that he or she had polished it. He etched a geometric pattern on the plane with a stone tip. A simple reticle consists of two parallel lines with a third line in the middle. It may be a religious object, an ornament, or just an ancient graffiti. But to see it, we must immediately realize that it is something that only one person can create. Carving stones is a very human thing. The scratch on this ochre mudstone is the oldest known example of complex human design. Christopher Henhillwood, head of the team that discovered this stone, said that the ability to create these symbols and communicate with them is a "clear sign" of modern human beings, and it is also one of the characteristics that distinguish us from any other species (living or extinct).
Archaeologists from Henry Wood, the University of Bergen in Norway and the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa found this sculpture on the land owned by my grandfather near the southern tip of the African continent. Over the years, he discovered and excavated nine sites on this land, all of which are less than 6500 years old. At first, he was not interested in this cliff cave a few miles away from the small town of Steele Bay in South Africa. However, his discovery there will change the way scientists think about the evolution of modern human beings and the factors that triggered the most important events in human prehistory. When Homo sapiens left their African homeland to colonize the world,
This great migration brought our species to a world dominance that never gave up, and marked Neanderthals in Europe and Asia, some scattered Homo erectus in the Far East, and some short people from Flores Island, Indonesia if scholars finally decided that they were actually an independent species (see "Are Hobbits Human?" )。 When the migration was completed, Homo sapiens was the last and only person standing.
To this day, researchers are still debating the difference between modern people and other extinct primitive people. Generally speaking, modern people tend to be slim and tall: "elegant", in scientific terms, rather than "robust". Like their Neanderthals, they lived in Eurasia for about 15000 years during the Ice Age. The brains of modern people and Neanderthals are about the same size, but their skulls are different in shape: the back of Neuer's skull is flatter than that of Neanderthals, with a prominent jaw and a straight forehead, but without a thick brow ridge. Lighter bodies may mean that modern people need less food and give them a competitive advantage in difficult times.
Modern people behave differently, too. Neanderthals made tools, but they beat large pieces of thin pieces with big stones. Modern human stone tools and weapons usually use slender, standardized and finely made blades. Both species kill the same large mammals, including deer, horses, bison and bison. But modern people's sophisticated weapons, such as spears throwing all kinds of carefully forged stones, bones and antlers, make them more successful. These tools may make them relatively safe; Fossil evidence shows that Neanderthals suffered serious injuries. For example, Goering and Ted goebert, an anthropologist at Texas A&M University, said, "Asia, maybe you can draw ten points on the map. As the gaps are filled, this story is likely to change, but in general, today's scientists believe that since they were born in Africa, modern people first came to Asia 80,000 to 60,000 years ago. " . By 45,000 years ago, or earlier, they had settled in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Modern people entered Europe about 40 thousand years ago, possibly through two routes: from Turkey along the Danube corridor into Eastern Europe and along the Mediterranean coast. By 35,000 years ago, they had been firmly established in most parts of the old world. Neanderthals were forced to enter huts in Croatia, Iberian Peninsula, Crimea and other places, and will be extinct 25,000 years ago. Finally, about 15000 years ago, human beings crossed from Asia to North America and from there to South America.
Africa has relatively rich fossils of human ancestors who lived millions of years ago (see timeline on next page). At the beginning of human evolution, lush tropical lake countries provided livable habitats for primitive people such as Australopithecus afarensis. Today, many of these places are very dry, which provides paleontologists with favorable exploration habitats. Wind erosion exposed ancient bones, which were covered with silt millions of years ago. In contrast, the remains of early Homo sapiens are very rare, not only in Africa, but also in Europe. One guess is that the early modern people on these two continents did not contrast with the Neanderthals who buried the dead, but either cremated them or deposed them outdoors.
The Blombos Cave shows signs of early human creativity. (Development Research Center, University of Bergen, Norway) In 2003, a group of anthropologists reported that three unusual skulls, two adults and one child, were found in Herto, near the ruins of an ancient freshwater lake in northeastern Ethiopia. These skulls have a history of 154000 to 160000 years. They have modern characteristics, but they also have some ancient characteristics. "Tim, head of the research team at the University of California, Berkeley? Tim White said: "Even now, I am a little hesitant to call it anatomical modernity. "They are all tall and strong people and have not fully evolved into modern people. However, they are so close that you don't want to give them a different species name.
Herto's skull is consistent with DNA analysis, which shows that modern humans evolved about 200 thousand years ago. But they also raised questions. There are no other skeletal remains at the scene (although there is evidence of a hippo being slaughtered). Except for the mandible, all three almost wrinkled skulls were scratched by stone tools. It seems that the skulls were deliberately separated from their bones and skinned. In fact, part of the child's skull has been highly polished. "It's hard to say that this is not some kind of mortuary ceremony," White said. "The findings reported last year are even more provocative." . In a cave on the summit of South Africa, a research team led by Curtis Marehn, a paleoanthropologist at Arizona State University, found evidence that people ate shellfish, made complex tools and used red ochre pigments 654.38+64 million years ago, all of which are modern human behaviors. Shellfish remains of mussels, meretrix meretrix, barnacles and other mollusks show that humans used the ocean as a food source at least 40,000 years earlier than previously thought.
The first archaeological evidence of human migration from Africa was found in Kafze and Skoll caves in Israel today. These sites were first discovered in 1930s, among which at least 1 1 remains of modern human beings were found. Most people seem to be buried according to the ceremony. However, the relics on the site are simple: hand axes and other Neanderthal tools.
At first, these bones were thought to belong to modern people 50,000 years ago, who settled in the Levant on their way to Europe. But in 1989, the new dating technology showed that they had a history of 90,000 to 654.38+10,000 years, and the most modern human remains were found outside Africa. But this hike seems to be a dead end: there is no evidence that these modern people have lived for a long time, let alone continue to colonize anywhere else in the world. Therefore, after 10000 or 20000, they are not considered as part of the migration.
Interestingly, the remains of Neanderthals 70,000 years ago were also found in the same area. Modern people seem to arrive first, then move on, die of diseases or natural disasters, or may be wiped out. If they shared territory with Neanderthals, then the more "strong" species may have surpassed them. Nicholas J. Conard, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Tubingen in Germany, said, "You may be anatomically modern and show modern behavior, but obviously this is not enough. At this point, the two species are in a fairly equal position. " Scientists concluded that it was at this historical moment that Africans ceded Asia to Neanderthals. Hans Wood, an archaeologist in Bloomberg, said that at that time, about 80,000 years ago,
Modern human beings have entered a "dynamic period" of innovation. The evidence comes from cave sites in South Africa, such as Blombos Cave, Krasi River, Dirov Cave and Sibudu Cave. In addition to ochre carving, Brobos Cave also produced the first batch of perforated decorative shell beads among the known jewels in the world. Fragments carved from ostrich eggshells appeared in Dikrov. Huff's characteristics in Spudu and other places show that modern people use throwing spears and arrows in southern Africa. Fine stones needed for elaborate production are transported here from 18 miles, which shows that they have some kind of trade. The bones of many sites in South Africa show that humans are killing antelopes, springboks and even seals. In the Kelaxi River, traces of burnt vegetation indicate that ancient hunter-gatherers may have discovered that by reclaiming land, they can promote the growth of edible roots and tubers faster. The complex bone tools and stone processing techniques of these sites all came from the same period about 75,000 to 55,000 years ago.
There are piles of shells in almost all these places. Coupled with older evidence from caves on the top of the mountain, shells indicate that seafood may have played a nutritional trigger role at a critical moment in human history, providing fatty acids needed by modern humans and providing energy for the oversized brain: "This is the driving force of evolution. John Packington, an archaeologist at the University of Cape Town, said that Richard Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford University, has always believed that the sudden increase in brain power caused by gene mutation at this time in human history may be related to the appearance of language.
Is it the creation of new technology, the improvement of nutrition or the mutation of genes that enable modern people to explore the world? Maybe, but other scholars have pointed out more common factors that may lead to the outflow of people from Africa. A recent DNA study shows that the large-scale drought before the great migration divided the modern human population in Africa into small and isolated groups, which may even threaten their extinction. Only when the weather improves can survivors reunite, multiply and eventually emigrate. Technological progress may help some of them open up new fields. Or the cold wave may have lowered the sea level and opened a new continental bridge.
Whatever the reason, ancient Africans have reached a watershed. They were ready to leave, and they did.
DNA evidence shows that the initial population outflow involved 1000 to 50,000 people. Scientists don't agree on the departure time or starting point at some time more than 80,000 years ago, but now most people seem to lean from Sinai Peninsula (once the most favorable position) to a continental bridge, which spans the Mande Strait today and separates Djibouti from the southern tip of the * * * Peninsula. The recently discovered carbon can be traced back to 14300 years ago.
For many years, paleontologists have never told the story of human conquest of the world. From 15000 to 70000 years ago, they had no human fossils from sub-Saharan Africa. Because the great migration era was blank, they were not sure that modern people who invaded Europe and those who stayed in Africa were functionally the same. But one day in 1999, Allen Morris, an anthropologist at the University of Cape Town, showed Frederick Green, a visiting colleague at Stony Brook University in storni, an unusual skull on his bookshelf. Morris told Glenn that the skull was discovered in Hofmel, South Africa in the 1950s. No other bones have been found near it, and its original resting place has been polluted by river sediments. Any archaeological evidence of the site has been destroyed, and the skull seems to be a useless work of art.
But Grine noticed that the skull was filled with carbonate sand matrix. The analysis team led by Grine, Morris and Oxford University used techniques that were not available in the 1950s to measure radioactive particles in the matrix. They learned that this skull is 36,000 years old. Comparing the skulls of Neanderthals, early modern Europeans and contemporary humans, they found that the skulls of Mongols have nothing in common with the skulls of Neanderthals, but are very similar to the skulls of any nation today. But it supplemented the early Europeans. The evidence is obvious. Morris said that 36,000 years ago, before the world population split into the racial and ethnic chaos that exists today, "we were all Africans."
Gugliotta wrote articles about Cheetah, Fidel Castro and the Old Bailey Court of the Smithsonian Institution in London.