When entering the university, many people will find that the most sensitive topic with their parents in the past, love, will be mentioned by their parents from time to time. Even some parents will urge their children to fall in love quickly and find partners early, especially boys. Because in modern society, the proportion of boyfriends is very unbalanced, and it may be more difficult to meet the right girl after graduating from college.
There are six people in our dormitory. I had love in high school. We love each other very much and many people envy us. But there are five single dog in the dormitory. They say every day that it's time to find someone and talk about a love, even if it's not very vigorous, even if it's relatively dull. As long as you have a boyfriend, as long as you have feelings for someone. So when I was a sophomore, two people found their love. Although the other party is not a very handsome and powerful person, they have contact with each other and have feelings for each other. Therefore, they are very satisfied. They have classes with their partners every day and feel that being together is their greatest pursuit.
But there is a girl in the dormitory. She never thought about falling in love. She feels that she can be alone, without feeling lonely or empty.
Therefore, it's up to you to fall in love in college.