First of all, why did you take the exam? Examination is not a task, but a hurdle. But let us better understand our own loopholes and shortcomings in the learning process, so as to better plan our own learning plan. Because during the exam, the examinee's attention is highly concentrated, and the learning results can best be reflected. Then, at this time, you can better test your learning efficiency and effect, have you done it? Review the past and learn the new? .
Secondly, what is the exam for? After going to college, parents will not care too much about the exam results, and they will rely on the students themselves. So many college students have been addicted to freedom since they went to college, and they don't care about college exams at all. However, it may not be too far-fetched to take high marks as a reason for reviewing exams. We just need to think about why we should take the exam. Examination is a test of one's own knowledge, and later going out to society depends on the professional knowledge of university study. We are laying the foundation for the future now, why not study hard?
Finally, what the exam means. Examinations mean many things. Some people think that the exam is to test their academic performance, some people think that the exam is a stepping stone to test their future job search, and some people think that the exam is to get a scholarship. There are still many ideas, but if you think about it carefully, what you learn in college is called major, which is related to your skills in future work. The purpose of the exam is to judge whether you are qualified for this job in the future. If your academic performance is excellent, you can say that you have mastered it well. If the study is not ideal, we should find out the reasons and make improvements.