Be sure to go to the library and study room more often. Many books have not been read in college, and you may never have a chance to read them again in your life. Although not every book you read is useful, because you don't know which book will be useful, the best way is to read more. Although every time you catch a fish, it is just a net, but if you want to catch a fish, you must weave a net.
Don't compare your grades with your classmates after entering the university. Many college students don't compare their own ideas and uniqueness now, but compare them with some boring things, such as family background, academic performance, brand-name clothes and even looks. What is to be compared in college is thought, knowledge, manners and character. It is through four years of college that you can cultivate your temperament and connotation and cultivate your lifelong competitiveness.
The purpose of going to college is not only to find a decent job in the future, but also to get promoted and make a fortune, although you may have high gold content and can be used as a stepping stone. The meaning of university is to make people think independently. It is to make an immature heart mature, to broaden people's horizons, to make shallow people heavy, and to make impetuous hearts calm.
5, four years in college, you don't want to be a bully, how much bonus you get, please be a monitor, a student cadre and a man of the hour. You just want to learn what you want to learn, skip classes, do what you like, cultivate yourself, study and become the person you want to be. When you leave, what you want is not that others call me awesome, but that I am different from others.