Daniel? Ryan is called "the most important management historian of his generation" by the School of Management. He is a professor of management at david s. rose University, a professor of American enterprise at the McCasland Foundation, and a professor at the University of Oklahoma. The curator of Beth's business history collection. The author of Evolution of Management Thought (now the fourth edition), one of the authors of Management: Process, Structure and Behavior, and the editor-in-chief of Essays on Modern Management Development.
The late Ronald? Greenwood is widely known for his1/4th century management history research, writing and teaching. He has taught at the University of Wisconsin, Lacrose University and GMI School of Engineering and Management in Flint, Michigan. His works include Decentralized Management: A Study on the Philosophy of Electrical Management, by Frederick? Taylor: the father of scientific management (cooperation), Lean but not stingy: a study of organizational structure (co-edited).