2. Find the educational administration system at the lower left, as shown below;
3. Select the students to log in;
4. Just log in your student number and password.
The educational administration system management platform makes full use of the Internet B/S management system mode to provide a platform for the educational administration system management of various schools, help schools manage educational administration systems, and solve the educational administration management of schools with one account. Schools can freely choose the educational administration system they need, and flexibly customize the educational administration system according to their actual situation.
Educational administrators manage student information through the student information management module, such as adding, modifying and deleting student information. When adding information, first enter the student information in the new window. When saving, check whether the student id is duplicate. If the added student ID is duplicate, prompt the user. Information can only be added, not duplicated. When deleting information, first open the prompt window and let the user confirm whether to delete it. Only after the user confirms it can you delete the information. When modifying information, it should be modified according to the students selected by the user, that is, all the information of the students selected by the user is listed, and the student information is modified on this basis.