Drug therapy. At present, there are many different types of antidepressants used to treat a series of problems related to depression and/or anxiety.
Neuroregulation. This therapy uses electric current or magnetic current to stimulate and change brain activity.
Skills of managing depression and improving mental health
In addition to working with mental health experts to manage your symptoms, many simple skills can help students improve their overall thinking and quality of life.
Get enough sleep. According to the University of Michigan Depression Center, 60% to 80% of people with depression will have some kind of sleep disorder. Everyone has different requirements for sleep, but students had better rest for seven to nine hours every night.
Move it. Exercise can help relieve depressive symptoms by releasing endorphins (feel-good chemicals in the brain). Try walking with your roommate every day or doing other sports at school.
Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet is very helpful to maintain the overall health of the body.
Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness cognitive therapy helps to prevent people from falling into severe depressive symptoms again. If you don't know what it is, you can systematically understand meditation and mindfulness. Some breathing techniques of yoga and meditation also play a role in relieving anxiety and depression.
Establish a support system. Develop two or more people who can help you when you are in emotional difficulties, including but not limited to chatting, spiritual support and daily care. They can be roommates, classmates, teachers or anyone you trust. This can help you deal with stress or emotions before they become anxious or depressed.
I have to complain that after completing the psychological test, some schools immediately informed roommates, monitor and classmates that the student might suffer from depression. Xiao Zhang believes that this method is not suitable for practical operation.