Not exactly. The "Guide for National Civil Servants' Entrance Examination" clearly gives several situations that belong to grassroots work experience: it refers to working experience in party and government organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, village (community) organizations, other economic organizations and social organizations below the county level. Unemployed college graduates who leave school go to the internship base of college graduates (the base is grass-roots units) to participate in internships or participate in project research in enterprises and institutions, which can be regarded as grassroots work experience. Working experience in an army regiment or equivalent units below the regiment can be regarded as grassroots work experience. The experience of those who apply for Central directly under the authority can also be regarded as grassroots work experience.
The social practice experience of recent graduates in school can't be regarded as grassroots work experience. College students who take part in relevant work during their school days are not regarded as grassroots work experience even if they sign labor contracts with their units and start to pay social insurance.