The Story of Tokyo is a classic Japanese film, directed by director Yasujirō Ozu and starring Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara. The film tells the story of a 70-year-old couple who live in the seaside town of Tailu and leave their hometown to visit their children living in Tokyo. After tasting the cold hospitality of their married children, the old couple decided to return to their hometown. As a result, their elderly wife fell ill and died at the end of the trip. ?
The Dedication of Suspect X is a suspense drama directed by Hiroshi Nishitani, written by Yasushi Fukuda and starring Fukuyama Masaharu, Kou Shibasaki, Shinichi Tsuga and Yasuko Matsuyuki. The film is triggered by a discovered male corpse, which brings out the story of constant wits and wits between Tang Chuan, a professor of physics at Imperial University, and Shi Shenzhe Zai, a mathematical genius, and involves the love between men and women and the friendship they appreciate each other. This film has also been remake in many countries.