If the ancient desire is obviously superior to the world, rule the country first; If you want to govern your country, you should first get your family together; If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; Be sincere, let him know first; Knowledge exists in things. Everyone knows everything, everyone knows it and is sincere, sincere and upright, upright and upright, well-trained and well-groomed, well-groomed and well-governed, well-groomed and well-governed.
From Tian Zi to Shu Ren, one is based on self-cultivation. Those who mess up after treatment, no! Thick is thin, thin is thick, and there is nothing. This is called knowing it, and this is called knowing it.
Personally, I feel that this sentence is similar. Please refer to.