Introduction of Xiong Hongkai
Xiong Hongkai, professor, doctoral supervisor, senior member of IEEE, works in School of Electronic Information/Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University; From February 2007 to February 2008, he served as a full-time visiting professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). From 20 1 1 to 20 12, he worked as a scientist in the Biomedical Information Center (DBMI) of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Establish IVM laboratory of "Image, Video and Multimedia Communication" in Shanghai Jiaotong University; As the head of media communication direction of "Intelligent Computing and Intelligent System" of Ministry of Education-Microsoft Key Laboratory-Shanghai Jiaotong University; He is a member of the Multimedia Communication Technical Committee of IEEE Communication Association and a member of China Computer Federation.