1, preparatory school
Bristol, Nottingham, Birmingham, Aston, Cardiff, Leeds, Real holloway, Reading, Queen Mary, Kent, Essex, Hull.
2. Kaplan Education Group
Sheffield, Liverpool, Glasgow, Southampton, City, Aberdeen, Cranfield
3. Integration into the education group
Exeter, Newcastle, UEA, Manchester, QB, Stirling
4. Study Group Education Group
Leicester, Lancaster, Sussex, Surrey, Herriot, Real holloway, Leeds, Sheffield, Strathclyde.
5. General preparatory courses
St Andrews, UCL, Warwick, KCL, Bath, SOAS
Application conditions for master's preparatory course
Take Birmingham University as an example.
Master's preparatory course direction
Economics, international economy, development economics, international money and banking, money, banking and finance, environment and natural resource economy, international development and relationship music.