2) sacrifice/ s? Clifford/n. Sacrifice; South Pole
3) Saddle/? s? Saddle, saddle
4)sail/Seil/n . sail; Ship number six. navigate by water/air
5) sake/seck/n.
6) sample/? sa:mpl/n . sa:mpl/n; Example, sample
7) satellite/? s? t? Satellite; artificial satellite
8) Satisfaction/sec? This is? f? kt? Ri/a. Satisfied and good
9) saucer/? s? :s? small dish
10) sausage/? s? Sid. Sausage/sausage
1 1) Saw/sec? See vt. Saw, saw
12) said /sei/vt. For example [for example]
Balance, scale, scale
14) ratio/twist number/n. ratio; size
15) scan /sk? Look carefully; Browse; scan
16) simply/? ske? Sli/ad。 Only; hardly
17) scatter/? sk? t? /vt。 Make it dissipate; sa; broadcast
18) scenery/? si:n? Ri/n. stage scenery; scenery
19) timetable/edju: l/n. timetable; Schedule
20) scheme/ski:m/n: m/n. plan,plan; cheat
2 1) scholar/? sk? l? A scholar (especially literature)
22) science /sai? n? Smooth energy conservation law/science (1)
23) scissors/? siz? Scissors, scissors
24) score /sk? Score, score, score
Scratch, scratch. & intransitive verb & scrape, scrape
27) scratch/skr? t? /vt。 & intransitive verb & scratch; snatch
28) screw /skru:/n:/n
29) seal/? Si: l/n. sealing wax; seal
30) seal/? Si: l/n. seal
3 1) secondary/? Seck? nd? Ri/a.s; assistant
32) secretary/? Seck? Secretary; Secretary; A minister of the monarchy
33) section/? Slice; A paragraph; department
34) safety /si? kju? /a. reassuring; safe
35) safety /si? kju? state security
Seeds; Seeds; bud
37) seek/si:k/vt。 Seeking and exploring; attempt
Seize; Hold on. Seizure and arrest; Snatch
39) semiconductor /semik? n? d? kt? semiconductor
4 1) senior/? si:nj? /a. young; high-level
42) sensible/? sens? BL/A. Be sensible; sensible
43) sensitive/? Sensitive; Sensitive; sensitive
44) separate/? sep? Real estate investment trust fund? sep? Rit/a. has been separated; several
45) Sequence/? si:kw? Ns/n. continuous, continue; order
46) series/? Is it? Ri: z/n. continuous, series; series of books
47) serve? V/vt, right? Service; service
48) session/? Sen/n. meeting, lasting for a period of time
49) Settings/? seti? /n. Installation and adjustment; environment
50) settlement/? Set /vt. Arrangement; Placement position; indirect
5 1) settlement/? setlm? nt/n . solve; Colonize, colonize
52) serious /si? vi? /a. strict; strict
53) sew/s? U/vt。 sew
54) shade/? Eid/n. shadow; Shadow six. Shading method
55) shave/? Eiv/vt。 Scrape, scrape vi. razor
56) cut/? Me? /vt。 Cut; Deprive vi. incision
57) shed/? Ed/vt。 Outflow; Distribution; drip
58) shed/? Shed; Shed; Loan shed
59) sheet/? I: part number list; Paper; sheetmetal
60) shelves/? Shelves/shelves
6 1) shelter/elt? /n. hiding place; Shelter, shelter
62) shield/? I:LD/n . shield; Protect. ]
63) shift/? Ift/vt。 replace
64) Thriller /iv? shake
65) shoot/? U:t/vt emissions; come into bud
66) shore/:/n:/n。
67) shortage/ :tid? /n. insufficient
68) Soon/? :tli/ad。 Immediately; curtly
69) shot/t/nt/n. launch; Projectile; Shoot (at the goal)
70) shower/? u? ,au? /n. showers; (1) array; shower
7 1) Scream/? Li: k/vi. squeal
72) sideways/? Saidweiz/ad。 Lateral
73) sightseeing/? Ceci: Me? go sightseeing
74) sign/saint/n/n. symbol; sign
75) signal/? Sign? sending signal
76) Signature/? Signature/n.
77) significance /sig? Nifik? Ns/n. meaning, meaning; meaning
78) significant /sig? Nifik? Nt/n. is meaningful; important
79) Silence/? Sail? Make quiet. To silence.
80) Silent/? Sail? Nt/a. silent; silent
8 1) silk/silk /n
82) stupid/? Li Si/A. Stupid, stupid
83) silver/? Sylvie? /n. silver; Silver; silverware
84) similar/? Simile? Similar, similar
85) Similarly/? Simile? Similarly, similarly
86) Simplicity /sim? Plisiti/n. simple and simple; simple
87) Simplify/? Simple. Simplify, simplify
88) simply/? Simple /ad. Simple; only
89) Honesty/sin? Is it? /a. Sincerity; sincere
90) singular/? Is it? Jules. /a. single; Extraordinary
9 1) location/sait/n. location and foundation; place
92) sketch /sket? /n. sketch; Sketch; abstract
94) Qiao/? Skilled
Skim away; Skim off. Passing by; cast aside
96) slam/sl? M/vt。 Shut it hard.
97) sleeve/slider: v/n: v/n.
98) Slim/? Slander? /a. slender; slender
99) slice/slais/n/n. slice, slice; part
100) slides/slides /vi. Let it slide.
More information about CET-4, preparation methods, daily exercises, etc. Will be updated in time. Please continue to pay attention and wish all candidates a smooth pass.