The University of Tokyo is a well-known comprehensive private university, headquartered in Banqiao, Tokyo. Its predecessor was Dijing Commercial School founded by Chongyong Jianbingwei in 193 1.
Later, Chong Yongyi officially founded Dijing University on 1966. At present, the school has 10 departments such as medical department, pharmacy department and economics department, 8 graduate schools such as medical research department and foreign language research department, and 15 research centers such as EBM Center of Dijing University, Medical Fungus Research Center of Dijing University and Psychological Clinical Center of Dijing University.
Among them, the Medical Fungus Research Center of the University of Tokyo is particularly famous. It is one of the few basic fungal research facilities with outstanding research results in Japan, and it ranks with the Fungus Medical Research Center of Chiba University.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Dijing University