World ranking of western Oregon university in the United States
20 19 us news the United States ranks 97th. School of Education, School of Architecture and Art, School of Law, School of Business and School of Journalism and Communication are the most famous schools. Among them, the College of Education has long been ranked in the top 10 in the United States, the School of Architecture ranks in the top 20 in the United States, the Sustainable Building ranks in the top three in the United States, and the Law School ranks in the top five in the United States, making it one of the most cost-effective universities in the United States. In the ranking of world-class disciplines of soft science, the school ranks before journalism and communication, sociology, psychology, geography and other disciplines 100. In addition, the school's disciplines such as anthropology, earth science, public administration, regional planning, Asian studies, and art design are strong and rank among the best in the United States.