① Candidates are physically weak and color blind;
② Those who can't accurately identify wires, keys, signal lights and geometric figures of any color of red, yellow, green, blue and purple.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Massage, Clinical Medicine of Chinese and Western Medicine, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Resources and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cultivation and Identification of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Optometrics, Optometrics, Rehabilitation, Clinical Medicine, hearing and speech rehabilitation, Nursing, etc.
A major that is not suitable for study with the following diseases:
① Corrected to 4.8 lenses with diopter greater than 800 degrees in any eye: not suitable for studying chemical engineering and pharmacy, medicine, animal medicine and other majors.
② One eye was blind and the other eye was corrected to 4.8. Lens degree greater than 400 degrees: not suitable for studying medicine.
③ Hearing in both ears is less than 3 meters, or hearing in one ear is less than 5 meters, and the other ear is completely deaf: it is not suitable for studying animal science, animal medicine and medicine.
4 squint, dull sense of smell, stuttering: not suitable for medical majors.