There used to be online loans, but they were basically the interests of this company. Simply put, this company lends you a loan with a certain interest. Even if you haven't paid it back, it's only this loan company, so it won't double significantly. But it's different now. There are also cooperation between other companies, such as loans from this company. By the time of repayment, there is not enough money. At this time, the company will let you find a way to repay it, such as lending it to other companies.
For loans, it is often seen that college students' online loans eventually lead to bankruptcy. There are many problems in universities. If they can't afford it, don't spend it. Otherwise, not only your own pain, but also your family will suffer. Many college students just want a lot of expensive things, but they can't afford them financially. This is still the idea of online lending, but it is a big problem. This is what these online lending companies like.
Therefore, college students really should not get these online loans, and the consequences are very serious. These things have been happening all these years, but there are still many college students who choose online loans, which is really heartbreaking. College students should be places to study, but it is really chilling to have these ideas in my heart. Don't spend in advance, according to your own economic situation.