Take a university with 5000 people as an example. If no one eats breakfast for 5 yuan and 80% people eat it every day, then the semester of a year is 40 weeks, which is 280 days. Then, the annual breakfast income of the school canteen is 5000*5*280*80%=5600000 yuan.
According to the calculation of per person 10 yuan for lunch and dinner, the number of people eating is still 80%, that is, 560 * 2 * 2 = 22.4 million yuan. In this way, the gross income of the canteen is 560+2240 = 28 million yuan a year.
Of course, the cost of opening a canteen is also indispensable. Including rice, noodles, meat, vegetables, water and electricity, gas, labor wages, rent and so on. At present, the net profit of restaurants and canteens is about 40%, including ingredients and labor costs. Then, the annual net income of the canteen is 2280 * 0.4 = 910.2 million yuan.
If the annual rent is 5 million, the canteen can earn 41.2000 a year. On the basis of this income, excluding waste and entertainment, the money earned is calculated at 60%, and you can earn 412 * 0.6 = 2.472 million yuan a year. If it is a school with 30,000 students, the annual income is 247.2 * 6 =148.32 million yuan.