0000000 1(2) = 1( 10)
000000 10(2) = 2( 10)
00000 100(2) = 4( 10)
0000 1000(2) = 8( 10)
000 10000(2) = 16( 10)
00 100000(2) = 32( 10)
0 1000000(2) = 64( 10)
10000000(2) = 128( 10)
Here are some random examples:
000000 1 1(2) = 1+2=3( 10)
0 10 10 100(2) = 64+ 16+4 = 84
There is a rule that 2+8 =10; 4+ 16=20; 8+32=40 ........
Decimal to binary (from largest to smallest):
43 = 32+8+2+ 1 = 00 10 10 1 1
109=64+32+8+4+ 1= 0 1 10 1 10 1