Acne, acne and acne are collectively called acne in medicine, which is a common chronic sebum disease. The reason is that during adolescence, hormones in the body will stimulate hair growth and sebaceous glands will secrete vigorously, leading to pore blockage and forming the core of acne-micro-acne. Micro-pox is invisible. It takes 7 to 9 months for a micro-pox to grow on the skin surface. Micropox blocks pores and induces inflammation, which is the origin of papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by many factors. The root cause is endocrine disorder and strong androgen secretion. The etiology of acne is also related to some pathogenic bacteria infection, and it has been confirmed that the occurrence of acne is related to propionibacterium infection. This Corynebacterium acne is parasitic in sebaceous glands of hair follicles in adolescence. Through the action of lipase, triglycerides can be hydrolyzed to produce more free fatty acids, which can cause nonspecific inflammatory reactions in and around hair follicles.
Pay attention in life
1, eight glasses of water a day. Be sure to drink a large glass of water before eating in the morning to clear your stomach. I believe many girls know that the question is whether it can be done. )
2. defecate every day. Adhere to good habits, detoxify, and eat bananas when necessary.
3. Avoid staying up late. Staying up late is the biggest natural enemy of beauty.
4. Wash your face thoroughly without any cosmetic residue.
5, play less computer, the phone can not be turned on and put on the bedside, which has radiation and has a serious impact on the skin.
6, can not squeeze acne by hand, let it fall off, so it is not easy to leave marks.
7, bedspreads, pillow towels should be cleaned regularly, otherwise there will be a lot of mites breeding, sleeping is also prone to infection.
8. It is best to go to bed before eleven o'clock. Don't eat midnight snack before going to bed.
9. Eat as little as possible.
10, skin care products should not be used indiscriminately. The best acne products should know what kind of skin they belong to.
1 1, people with acne must pick up the sea when sleeping. This is not easy to cause sores on the forehead.
12. Wash your face with your palm frequently to promote blood circulation.