Professional Master: Big Data Technology and Engineering: total score 273, politics 38, English 38, specialized course 1 57, specialized course 2 57.
Artificial intelligence: total score 273, politics 38, English 38, specialized course 1 57, specialized course 2 57.
News and Communication: The total score is 389 points, the political score is 54 points, the English score is 54 points, the specialized course I is 8 1 point, and the specialized course II is 8 1 point.
Chinese international education: total score 350, politics 5 1, English 5 1, specialized course 1 77, specialized course 2 77.
Academic master:
Administration: The total score is 342 points, the political score is 47 points, the English score is 47 points, the specialized course I is 7 1 point, and the specialized course II is 7 1 point.
Communication: the total score is 374, politics is 54, English is 54, specialized course I 8 1, specialized course II 8 1.
Journalism: total score 363, politics 54, English 54, specialized course 1 8 1, specialized course 2 8 1.
Research on the Basic Problems of Modern and Contemporary History of China: Total score 326, Politics 45, English 45, Specialized Course I 68, Specialized Course II 68.