Expert registration of Eye, Otolaryngology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University
There are too many people in this hospital, and the queue time is much longer than the time to see a doctor. I went to the queue twice, and it took me an hour or two. The doctor basically finished it in less than three minutes. I squinted, and as a result, he asked me to have an optometry, and my vision was normal. I asked him what happened to his eyes, but the doctor said he didn't know, and he couldn't see strabismus. The optometry of his eyes was normal. In a word, I feel that I might as well go to a general hospital to look at people more carefully. Everyone thinks we should see experts, but there are too many people who see experts, and doctors have to talk about speed, so they don't even have time to see, listen and ask. The first time I went to see them, they gave me eye drops to dilate my pupils and optometry. It seemed that all the people who went to see them were nearsighted or had other problems. Seeing a doctor is completely formulaic. It's boring to ask a question, and there won't be a very detailed explanation. You can register for the expert clinic on the same day, without making a special appointment, depending on which expert you want to register. You should ask in advance, or you will have to re-register at the expert's office that day.