But the fact is, this can only be regarded as a strategic mistake when candidates apply for volunteers, and it cannot be said that Chang 'an University is poor and not worth applying for. Therefore, this year's senior three candidates should not be misled by the statement that you should never come to Chang 'an University.
Reason 2: Some college entrance examination students only refer to the lowest admission ranking of Chang 'an University in recent years when filling in their volunteers, but don't look carefully: Which majors have scored more in the college entrance examination than Chang 'an University? Finally, due to unsatisfactory grades, I was transferred to an unpopular major in Chang 'an University. If you can't learn it in the university classroom, naturally it is not recommended to apply for Chang 'an University. On the grounds that Chang 'an University is not famous, I suggest that you don't come to Chang 'an University to study and take classes.