Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics New: /f? kw = % E6 % b 1% 9F % E8 % B4 % A2 & amp; Fr = tb0 _ search & ie = utf-8 (pickles bar)
Is Blue Sky University new: /f? Kw=%C7%F3%D5%E6%BA%FE%C5%CF (let's find the truth from the lake)
Jiangxi Normal University New: /f? Kw=%BD%AD%CE%F7%CA%A6%B7%B6 (Jiangxi is normal, right).
Is Nanchang University new? Is it new? /f? Kw =% C4% CF% B2% FD% B4% F3% D1%A7% C7% B0% Ba% Fe% D0% A3% C7% F8 (Qianhu Campus of Nanchang University)
The bar of Jiangxi Agricultural University has closed, but the new bar hasn't opened yet.
Jiangxi Science and Technology Demonstration College Bar is being revised, but the new bar has not been opened yet.
Nanchang Institute of Technology Bar is being revised, and the new bar has not yet opened.