The University of South Florida (USF), which belongs to the Florida State University System, was founded in 1956, located in Tampa, Florida, USA. It is one of the three top public research universities in the state. The University of South Florida includes three colleges or branches: Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota. The management major of the University of South Florida was established in Tampa. Tampa has 14 colleges with * * * 4 students1000 students.
-Master of Management
College: Business School
Campus: Tampa Campus
Degree awarded: MS
Education system: 30-hour courses
Cost: $39,360 (total)
University of South Florida Management Program
Core courses (1 1 class hour)
Man 6055 (2 credits) Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Man 6930 (3 credits) Character Analysis
Man 6289 (3 credits), organizational change and development
ISM 63 16 (3 credits), Project Management
General elective course
Man 6 147 (2 credits) the concept of leadership
Mar 62 16 (3 credits), logistics/logistics management
Man 6256 (3 credits) Political Science and Control Organization
Negotiate agreements and resolve conflicts.
Human 6607 (3 credits), managing international cultural differences.
MAN 6726 Strategic Analysis (2 credits)
Man 6905 (1-3 credits) independent research
ISM 6 156 (3 credits) and ERP business process management
ISM 6328 (3 credits) Information Security and Risk Management
ISM 6436 (3 credits) Operation and Supply Chain Management
ACG6026 (3 credits) Accounting Concept Manager
MAR6936 (3 credits) Logistics System and Analysis
GEM 6445(2 credits) Social, Ethical and Legal System
GEM 6457(3 credits) Ethics, Law and Sustainable Development Business Practice
Advanced course (3 credits)
Man 6950 leadership organization
project management
Man 6448 (3 credits) negotiation agreement
Man 6607 (3 credits) manages international cultural differences.
Man 6930 (3 credits) cooperative principle
ACG6026 (3 credits) Accounting Concept Manager
Internship options: 1 to 3 hours.