How to get from Nanchuan to Chongqing University Town?
The best bus scheme from Nanchuan to University Town is No.327 (Qijiang-Nanchuan) → No.327 (Nanping Hub Station-Wansheng) → No.504 Suburb High-rise Downbound (Nanping (Long-distance Station)-Beibei) → Intermediate University Town Dedicated Line (Chongqing University (Area A and B)-University Town) minutes/transfer to Nanchuan, starting at 4 times. At Nanping (long-distance station), transfer to the top of No.504 in the suburbs and get off at high grade (Nanping (long-distance station)-Beibei). At Chen Jiawan (Shapingba), transfer to the middle of the special line of University Town (Chongqing University (Zone A and Zone B)-University Town) and arrive at the University Town. Go to the finish line