aircraft carrier
Aircraft carrier CVN, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
CVB aircraft carrier, large large aircraft carrier
Aircraft carrier CVA, attack attack aircraft carrier
CVGH aircraft carrier, missile helicopter missile carrier
Aircraft carrier CVL, light light aircraft carrier
Carrier CVE, escort carrier
CVS seaplane carrier (before and during World War II) Seaplane carrier (before and during World War II)
Anti-submarine/support aircraft carrier (after World War II) Anti-submarine/support aircraft carrier (after World War II)
Aircraft carrier CVH, helicopter carrier
CVV aircraft carrier, vertical take-off and landing aircraft carrier
Avt aircraft carrier, training ship training aircraft carrier
Battleship B/BB-usually more than 20,000 tons, equipped with 10 "or
Battleship-usually more than 20,000 tons, armored, with a main gun caliber of 10 inch or more.
BM monitoring shallow water heavy gunboats
Cruiser cruiser c cruiser cruiser
armored cruiser
CB large cruiser
Before cc 196 1: battle cruiser, battle cruiser (before 196 1)
196 1 rear: command ship (196 1 rear)
Before 193 1: armored cruisers (before 193 1)
193 1 later: heavy cruisers-cruisers equipped with 8-inch (20.3 cm) or larger caliber guns.
Heavy cruiser (rear 193 1)- armored protection, 8-inch or larger caliber main gun.
CAG heavy cruiser, missile-a heavy cruiser modified to carry missiles.
Heavy guided missile cruiser-heavy guided missile cruiser
CG guided missile cruiser
CGN guided missile cruiser, nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser
A cruiser equipped with a helicopter cruiser.
CL light cruiser-A cruiser equipped with guns smaller than 8 inches (20.3 cm).
Light cruiser-armored protection, main gun less than 8 inches.
CLAA air defense light cruiser
Light command cruiser
CLH helicopter light cruiser-cruiser equipped with helicopter
Light helicopter cruiser-a light cruiser loaded with helicopters
Clkl light cruiser, ASW anti-submarine cruiser
The CGH guided missile cruiser is equipped with a helicopter cruiser.
CLG light guided missile cruiser-a light cruiser modified to carry missiles.
Light guided missile cruiser-a light cruiser loaded with missiles
Light guided missile cruiser
CS reconnaissance cruiser
CSG attack missile cruiser
Destroyer D/DD destroyer
DE destroyer escort destroyer
The DDE destroyer was converted into a fleet escort destroyer
Destroyer DDH with helicopter destroyer
DDG guided missile destroyer
The destroyer captain or frigate expels the ship.
The destroyer DLG or frigate was expelled from the ship by missiles.
Dlgn destroyer leader or frigate, missile, nuclear-powered missile expulsion leader ship.
DDR radar whistle destroyer
TB torpedo torpedo frigate/light frigate f/ff frigate. It was originally called the Marine Guard.
The name is sometimes used interchangeably with "destroyer escort"
Frigates, also known as ocean escort ships, are sometimes called escort destroyers.
FFG missile frigate
Frigate FFH with helicopter frigate.
FFT backup/training frigates Prepare/train frigates.
Pepa Luoer escort patrol escort ship
PF light frigate
PFG missile frigate light missile frigate
PFR radar whistle light frigate
Submarine SS attack submarine attack submarine.
SSN attack submarine, nuclear attack submarine
SSA/AGSS auxiliary/experimental submarine auxiliary/test submarine
SSG attack submarine, missile submarine
Ssgn attack submarine, missile, nuclear attack missile submarine
SSB submarine, ballistic missile submarine
Ssbn submarine, ballistic missile, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine
SSK Hunter-Heizai Submarine Anti-submarine
SM submarine
SSM pocket submarine
Transport submarine
Radar whistle submarine
Ssrn radar whistle submarine, nuclear-powered radar whistle submarine
Amphibious forces amphibious forces LCAC air cushion landing craft
Amphibious command ship
LCI infantry landing craft personnel landing craft
Mechanized landing craft
Mine laying/mechanized landing craft
LCR inland river landing craft
LCS supports landing craft. Support landing craft.
LCT tank landing craft
LCU universal landing craft
LCV vehicle landing craft vehicle landing craft
Vehicle and personnel landing craft
Wing-in-ground effect landing craft
LHA amphibious assault ship amphibious assault ship
LHD amphibious assault ship amphibious assault ship
Lka amphibious cargo amphibious cargo ship
LPD amphibious dock transport ship
LPH amphibious assault helicopter carrier amphibious helicopter attack ship
LSD dock landing ship dock landing ship
LSM medium landing ship medium landing ship
LSS landing support ship
LSSL small landing support ship small landing support ship
LST tank landing ship tank landing ship
Mine tank landing ship
Universal landing ship
LSV landing ship
Coastal warship
Packed air cushion patrol boat
PB patrol boat patrol boat
PBL amphibious assault patrol boat amphibious assault boat
PBM river monitoring river gunboat
Coast patrol boat/hunting submarine (173 feet) Coast patrol boat/hunting submarine (173 feet).
PCC Diver (Control) Diver (Command)
PCE diver (escort) diver (escort)
PCEC escort (control) ship (command)
PCE(R) escort (rescue) escort ship (reserve)
Coastal fast interceptor
PCS submarine (136 ft) submarine (136 ft)
PCSC Diver (Control) Diver (Command)
Patrol gunboat
PGM missile gunboat missile boat
PGH helicopter gunboat helicopter gunboat
PH hydrofoil gunboat
PHM missile hydrofoil missile boat
PHT hydrofoil torpedo boat
PL High Durability Cutting Large Patrol Ship
PM medium endurance cutter medium patrol boat
Public relations radar picket conversion radar sentry ship
PSOC special warfare boat
PT torpedo boat
PTC motorboat submarine chaser motorcycle hunting submarine
WIG patrol boat WIG wing boat
PY sailboat
Sc submarine (1 10 feet) submarine (1 10 feet)
SCC diver (control) diver (command)
Mine ship ACM auxiliary minelaying ship auxiliary minelaying ship
AM minesweeper
AMc coastal minesweeper
AMC (U) Coastal Minesweeper (underwater locator) Coastal Minesweeper (underwater locator)
CM mine-laying ship
Minelaying along CMc coastal minefield
Dm light mine layer (modified destroyer) light mine-laying ship (modified destroyer)
DMS high-speed minesweeper (modified destroyer) high-speed minesweeper (modified destroyer)
Mcac air cushion anti-mine boat
Remote control anti-mine device of MCD anti-mine drone
McMinn countermeasure ship anti-mine ship
Anti-mine support ship
Anti-mine modified training ship
MHC Coast Miner Coast Miner
MHI inshore mine hunting boat
ML mine-laying boat
Auxiliary minesweeper
MSAC air-cushion minesweeper
MSC coastal minesweeper
MSD UAV minesweeper remote control minesweeper
Minesweeper in MSH port
MSI inshore minesweeper inshore minesweeper
MSO marine minesweeper marine minesweeper
MSR river minesweeper
Auxiliary combat supply ship
Support ship
ADC dry goods supply ship dry goods supply ship
Warship weapon ship
United States air force combat supply ship
Flagship of AGC amphibious fleet
Flagship of AGF fleet
Agmr communication main relay ship communication relay ship
AGSS test submarine
Ah, hospital boat
AHR river hospital ship
Also known as attack cargo ship armed cargo ship
Apa attack personnel transport vehicle armed personnel transport vehicle
AO fleet tanker
AOE fast combat support ship
AOL small refueling truck small tanker
AOR refueling vehicle
AORL small refueling truck small refueling tanker
AOT transport tanker
AR repair ship
ARS rescue boat
As a submarine supply ship
Submarine ammunition ship underwater weapon carrier
ASR submarine rescue boat reserve diving boat
Aviation logistics support ship aviation service support ship
Non-combat auxiliary ship
ADG degaussing ship
AFDB large floating dock
AFDL small floating dry dock
AFDM medium floating dock
AG-assisted, universal/universal auxiliary ship/universal.
AGB icebreaker
AGDS deep diving support ship
AGFF experimental frigate test ship
AGH helicopter support ship
AGI intelligence collection ship
Missile range instrument ship missile range equipment ship
AGOR marine research ship
AGOS sea surveillance ship ocean monitoring ship
AGS survey ship
AK cargo ship
AKL light cargo ship small cargo ship
AKR ro/ro unloading ship
AKV aircraft cargo ship or ferry aircraft carrier/ferry
Personnel carrier personnel carrier
Floating barracks
Net laying ship
AOG tanker
Arc cable ship
ARD Repair Wharf
Medium-repair dock
ARV aircraft repair ship
ARVA aircraft body repair ship aircraft body repair ship
Aircraft engine repair ship
Auxiliary ocean tugboat
ATGB large icebreaker
Atf fleet tugboat
ATS rescue tugboat
Seaplane supply ship
AVP small seaplane supply ship
Aviation supply ship
Distilling ship
AY VIP yacht VIP sailboat
AX training ship
AXS sailboat training ship is sailing on the training ship.
Airship supply ship
Support ship
DSRV submersible rescue vehicle submersible rescue device
DSV submersible
IX Other miscellaneous ships not classified.
Nuclear power research submarine
SDV lifeguard transport vehicle water lifeguard
SLWT side mounted warping tugboat side twisted tugboat
TWR torpedo recovery ship
Ocean-going standard ship tendered by WLB ocean-going buoy
WLM coastal buoy supply ship
WLI inland river buoy supply ship nearshore beacon ship
WLIC inland river construction bidding nearshore traffic boat
WLR River Buoy Bidding River Navigation Mark Ship
YTL small port tugboat small port tugboat
All kinds of service ships
YC barge
YCF automobile floating amphibious vehicle
Ycv transports light and small aircraft carriers.
YD floating crane
YDT diving supply ship
YF covered barge
YFB ferry
YFN covered barge
Large covered barge
YFND dry dock companion craft dry dock guide ship
YFNX special purpose barge special operation barge
YFP power barge
Yrt range supply ship
YFU port work boat
YGN garbage barge
YLC rescue crane boat
Ymdridge dredger
YMN dredger
YNG gate craft fence gate boat
Yo oil barge
YOG gasoline barge
YOGN gasoline barge
oil barge
YOS oil storage barge
YP Navigation Technology training ship Driving training ship
YPD piling ship
YPR Parachute Sail Training Boat Advanced Navigation Training Ship
Repair barge
YRB repair and berthing barge repair and accommodation barge
Yrbm repair, berthing, barge repair, accommodation, canteen barge
YRDH hull repair barge
YRDM mechanical repair barge
YRM missile recovery ship
YRR radiation repair barge radio equipment repair barge
YRST rescue boat supply boat
YRT torpedo recovery ship
YSR sludge removal barge
YTB large tugboat
YTL small tugboat
YTT torpedo test ship
YW water barge