The Logic of the First Volume of Das Kapital: Historical Genesis
Contemporary Economic Research 2011-07-15
Historical genetic interpretation of the integrity of Marxist theory
He Huaiyuan Nanjing Social Sciences 2006-06-30
Transformational Criticism and Historical Genesis Criticism —— On the concept of "criticism" in Marx's Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right —— Zhu
Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences Edition) 20 14-07-30
Research on the Innovative Development of Shaanxi Historical and Cultural Resources Based on the Interpretation of Historical Causes
Zhao; Huang Qun; Yan Yuqing; Yuan
Human geography 2009-06- 15
Marx's Technological Thought from the Perspective of Historical Genesis
Huayin Wang
Research on dialectics of nature 2008-02- 18
From presupposition theory to endogenous historical occurrence —— Reflection on the research methods of Marxist philosophy history
Tang Zhengdong
Academic Monthly 2005- 10-20
"One Divided into Two" or Internalization of Cold War Structure —— A Re-exploration of Liu Jihui's Theory of Contradiction and Historical Origin
Modern philosophy+04-01-25 2014-03-25
Exploration of Economics from the Perspective of Historical Genesis and Its Philosophical Significance —— Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Marx's Writing of Economics Manuscript 150
Don, don.
Fujian Forum (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition) 2008-03- 15
Genetic method and historical research
Zhang Naihe's Historical Collection 2007-09- 15
Labriola's Genetic Interpretation of Historical Dialectics
Journal of Jinzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)1991-12-31