1 Economics
Economics is one of the most popular courses in Yale University. Students will learn how tax credits create incentives for the labor market and human behavior. It is this comprehensive understanding of the financial sector that makes the economics program one of the best majors in Yale.
2. Political science
As the second major in Yale University, political science will teach students the basic principles of how individuals and groups organize and make collective decisions.
3. History
Another best major at Yale University is history, which is second only to political science in popularity. Under the guidance of the idea that shaping the future requires understanding the past, the history department of Yale University tries to teach students human experiments and original history.
4. Computer science
The computer science department of Yale University offers a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science degree, depending on the major branch you choose. Although every student majoring in computer science must study the same core courses, students can choose to study the merged professional courses to pursue their own interests. Students can choose all kinds of jobs after graduation, which makes it one of the best majors in Yale.
5. Psychology
One of the best majors in Yale University is psychology, which provides students with a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science degree. The procedure depends on the course you choose. The psychology department hopes to teach students how to understand human behavior and why we do these things. Each student must take two social science courses and two natural science courses to provide students with a comprehensive education and make them one of the best majors in Yale.
6. Molecular, cellular and developmental biology
Students of molecular, cellular and developmental biology can take various courses, which will teach them how to look at the world in different ways. They can learn about molecules, cells and tissues, or study the history and process of evolution. After graduation, students can pursue careers in medicine, pharmacology, scientific research or biotechnology.
7. Global affairs
Global affairs is one of the best majors in Yale because they focus on teaching students global citizenship by improving the world around them. By providing students with the flexibility of learning content, the global affairs program has become one of the best majors in Yale University. Students who graduate from this field can continue to work in world-renowned NGOs, such as Oxfam or UNICEF.