Zhu Wenhui's personal experience.
Zhu Wenhui has served as research assistant, associate researcher and researcher of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, lecturer and associate professor of China Renmin University, visiting researcher of Brookings Institution of the United States, financial commentator of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV Co., Ltd., independent director of World Trade International Limited (HKSE listing code 0649), famous host of Phoenix Satellite TV, current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV and researcher of China Commercial Center of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Doctor of Economics, Renmin University of China. He was a visiting researcher at the Brookings Institution (2004-2005). He is also a part-time consultant of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government, an executive director of the Board of Directors of the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, and an outstanding principal researcher of the Comprehensive Development Research Institute (China). As a consultant to many local governments along the coast and northeast of China.